Tuesday, July 31, 2012

How to Put The Law of Attraction Into Action

“All that we are is a result of what we have thought” – Buddha

Last week we explored how thoughts effect our health and today we are diving into how thoughts shape our reality and the secrets of law of attraction.

Our mind has an amazing power to create and achieve whatever we desire. We have complete control over our life and nothing comes uninvited. We all are using law of attraction in some way or another, where we are aware of it or not. What we have is a manifestation of our thoughts and feelings.

This week Shawn Stevenson interviews the Law of Attraction evangelist, Natalie Ledwell. She positively impacts the lives of thousands of people around the world every day by empowering them to achieve their dreams. Natalie is a co-founder of Mind Movies and a host of an online TV blog called The Inspiration Show.

By sharing this information, you make the world a better place.

When you listen to the podcast below you’ll discover:

Natalie’s personal story.
What is a “mind movie”?
Importance of having a clear picture of what we want.
Law of attraction system.
What is affirmation?
Significance of “why” in affirmation.
What sabotages goal achievement and happiness.
Steps to manifest what you want.
Chakra’s electromagnetic frequency.
THIS is the key to success.
How to overcome challenges.
Tips on how eliminate negative thoughts.
Importance of gratitude and its effects on health.

Click on this LINK and scroll down, click Play to listen:

8 Signs That Your Liver Could Be Sick

The liver is one of the most important organs in the body. As the largest internal organ, it is no surprise that the liver plays many vital roles in the operation and maintenance of a healthy body. The liver acts as the primary filtration organ in the body as well as producing a number of vital hormones, secretions, and blood components, which makes maintaining a healthy liver a top priority for anyone concerned about overall health.

A healthy liver is essential for digesting food, absorbing nutrients, getting rid of toxic substances and regulating a number of other vital processes. As a result, when your liver is not functioning at optimal levels, your entire body and overall health suffer.

Common signs that your liver might be sick are:

Yellowish tone to your skin and/or eyes
Abdominal pain and swelling
Itchy skin that doesn’t seem to go away
Dark urine
Pale or bloody/ tar-colored stools
Chronic fatigue
Loss of appetite

However, it has been reported that at least half of people show no signs or symptoms until their livers are seriously damaged. Therefore, it is important to check the health of your liver using a panel of simple blood tests, including checking your levels of bilirubin, slkaline phosphatase (ALP), aspartate aminotransferase (AST), alanine aminotransferase (ALT) and gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT).

If any of these tests come back abnormal or even outside the optimal range, there are a number of things you can do to boost the health of your liver, including:

Reducing your alcohol consumption and increasing the amount of water you drink
Using prescription and nonprescription drugs ONLY when you REALLY need them and just taking the recommended dose
Eating plenty of fiber
Reaching and maintaining a healthy weight
Taking liver-boosting and -detoxifying supplements such as milk thistle, dandelion, probiotics, green tea, vitamin E and curcumin.

You can get more information from the Blood Test Results Decoded program about liver function tests and other blood panels that can be used to help diagnosis potentially serious liver conditions, as well as improve your liver health.

Author: Dr. Karen Vieira
An advocate of natural health and healing, Dr. Vieira holds a PhD in Biomedical Sciences from University of Florida College of Medicine. She is also trained in alternative/complementary medicine. Dr. Vieira is on advisory boards for several supplement companies and schools. She previously led the Kraft Foods cell-based discovery team for health and wellness ingredients. She is a speaker, author and trainer in scientific, medical and health fields. Dr Vieira recently published a course on reading your blood test called Blood Test Results Decoded.

Why Are We Eating So Much More Than We Used To?

(BeWellBuzz) Appetites have soared and waistlines have expanded. An up close look at the statistics reveals the stark truth – an average American today is on an incorrigible binging spree!

According to the survey conducted by American insurance companies, between 1890′s and mid 1970′s the weight of the average man and woman remained constant. The study declared the status quo as a 25 pound increase in the weight of the average man or woman. Over 40 years ago people still ate the sinfully sweetened, high calorie food that they do today. While the health and wellness market earlier was not as rampant with diet books and fitness clubs as it is today, people were leaner and fitter than today.

The most obvious reason that comes to mind for the startling increase in weight is – eating more than we used to. According to researchers at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill calorie intake has increased by 570 calories between 1977 and 2006. The number of daily meals consumed by U.S adults rose to 4.8 in 2006 from 3.8 in 1977.

Why has the appetite curve risen so dramatically?

The drastic change that comes to light is the increase in omega-6 in our diets. All fried, baked, processed food is prepared in vegetable oil. The vegetable oil made of corn and soya beans is high on omega-6 and has been found to interfere in our getting the omega-3.

According to expert Will Lassek, there has been a threefold increase in the consumption of processed vegetable oils made from corn and soya bean. The meat production is being increased by feeding corns and soya bean to the cattle, pigs and poultry. Omega-6 consumption has increased due to the misconception that it reduces the risk of heart attack but instead has been found to lead to a voracious appetite.

Is it just the appetite then?

Well, there is more to it than meets the eye!

According to the researcher Brian Wansink, the Americans have got into the vicious circle of ‘mindless eating’. Prof Wansink states that mindless eating occurs when we allow social situations, emotions, attractive packaging, or labels to distract us. People are unconsciously influenced by their environment about when to eat and how much to eat. In a study published in Plos researchers have found when people share a meal together, they tend to eat as much or as little as their dining companion. This combined with an increased rate of dining out is spreading the uncontrolled gluttony like an epidemic.

Why makes us eat so much?

According to a research by Sullivan, over the past years, the number of dining restaurants especially in North America has proliferated. An average person dines out 3 times more than one used to a few years ago. The survey by National research association reveals that consumers are dining out not only on special occasions but as an integral part of their lifestyle.

The hectic lifestyles, ready availability of fast foods and decline in regular mealtimes are some of the main reasons of more frequent meals during the day. There has been an increase not only in portions but also the snacking occasions. People are mindlessly eating second breakfasts the underlying belief being that to eat several times a day is healthy. David Lavitsy, Professor of nutrition and psychology from Cornwall University says that people end up consuming more calories when they switch to smaller meals.

Besides the frequency of eating, the consumption of relatively bigger portions has increased much more than a few years ago. The size of the average dinnerware has increased by 11% contributing to heap portions of food that match the plate size.

The bait that lures one into overeating is easy access to convenient, cheap and tasty food. The food companies and restaurants are playing with the consumer psyche by using fancy words to describe the menu than just a simple statement of ingredients. For example, double beef prosperity burger sounds more enticing than just a beef burger. The consumer is led into thinking that it is a superior quality in irrespective of the taste.

Multi-tasking in today’s hectic and chaotic lifestyle makes it difficult to sense fullness of the stomach, and you are likely to indulge more. Multitasking and eating (like a rushed breakfast) during the morning commute, binging while watching TV or a quick bite snacks at work are the sure shot ways of overindulgence.

These facts and figures are a warning to curb on the rise binging spree before it’s too late.

Now is the time to put deliberate efforts into mindful eating and consciously choosing when, what and how much you eat.

Sunday, July 29, 2012

To be happy in your job and in life, focus on the NOW

By Andrea Kay, USA Today

You don't have to save people from burning buildings or develop the cure for cancer to have a gratifying career.
Reward comes in here-and-there moments. The key is being "present" for those times.

Yes, as corny as that may sound and as many times as you might have heard it, there's a lot to be said for "being here now" when it comes to life in general and career satisfaction in particular.

But most people have a tough time doing that, and it's costing them their happiness.

A well-documented study conducted by two Harvard researchers who set out to measure happiness, shows that 47 percent of the time people think about something other than what they are doing, and that mind-wandering typically makes them unhappy.

Psychologists Matthew A. Killingsworth and Daniel T. Gilbert concluded this after collecting data from more than 15,000 volunteers ages 18 to 88 from more than 80 countries in 86 different occupations.

They gathered the data through an iPhone application that tracks people's happiness, trackyourhappiness.org, asking at random intervals how happy someone was,what they were doing and whether they were thinking about their current activity or something else that was pleasant, neutral or unpleasant.

The study showed that mind-wandering occurred in all activities. When someone is working, they discovered a person's mind wanders 50 percent of the time. It makes you wonder if that's one reason so many people complain their work is not rewarding.

That tendency for the human mind to wander and think about what is not happening, is a cognitive achievement that comes with an emotional costs, say the researchers in the journal Science, adding, "A human mind is a wandering mind, and a wandering mind is an unhappy mind."

It's incredibly easy to mind-wander at work.

Just look at all the distractions. The sounds of people around you on the phone, using equipment or just walking by. If you're like many, you're trying to work on more than one thing at a time.

One of the biggest distractions are emotions. There's that frustration or anger you can't shake over yesterday's interaction with a client or co-worker. Or just worrying about something happening right in front of you.

Once, I was sitting in an audience listening to a conceptual artist from San Francisco respond to questions from his interviewer. I can't recall the question the interviewer asked, but I remember the artist's response: He just sat there and didn't say anything.

One, two, three awkward seconds passed. Then another five or so seconds of silence. At first, I thought he was stumped by the question. Or confused. Or ill. Finally he explained that he hadn't heard the question. He said he was worrying about the fact that his wife, who was in the front row of the audience and taping the interview on a hand-held camera, was going to use up the battery on the camera. "Could you repeat the question?" he asked.

The researchers found that things like worrying "seem to be incredibly destructive to happiness" and "that our mental lives are pervaded, to a remarkable degree, by the nonpresent," Killingsworth says in Harvard Science.

Even when they looked at more pleasant mind-wandering, they say it's not as good as just being focused on what you're doing.

The key, as many philosophies and religious traditions have taught for centuries, is to first notice when you're not "present" — like the conceptual artist who was worrying instead of listening to the question he was asked.

Then make a conscious decision to "be there" for the here and now.

And that can happen only one moment at a time.


Saturday, July 28, 2012

Can Thoughts Affect Your Health?

Every thought that runs through your mind is responsible for everything that happens in your life and your body.

Every effect you see in your physical world has a specific cause which has its origin in your mental world. That’s why you have to be really aware and careful of what you think. Thoughts are like a tape that always plays in your mind. What you experience depends on what you play. In order to change anything in your life. you need to change the tape first.

Studies have shown that every single thought we have is ingrained into our cells and into our DNA. Over time negative thought patterns can manifest in physical illness. Because these thoughts are in our DNA any disease or illness that manifests in us can be passed on to future generations.

Changing your thought patterns to positive ones can improve your emotional, spiritual, mental and physical states.

This week Shawn Stevenson interviews researcher, mind-body medicine educator, andspeaker, Dr. Larry Berkelhammer.

By sharing this information, you make the world a better place.

When you listen to the podcast below you’ll discover:

How to live with chronic medical challenges.
How our thoughts and emotions affect our physiology.
The biochemistry of a stressful thought.
The power of negative or positive attributions.
The importance of being conscious of our thoughts.
What is Dr. Berkelhammer’s mindful practice.
Scientific basis of the placebo effect.
What is the nocebo effect.
Who practices modern voodoo.
What is Psychoneuroimmunology?
What scientific studies discovered about altruism.

Click on THIS link, scroll down and click on the PLAY arrow to listen

Improve Metabolism With Digestive Enzymes

(BeWellBuzz) The human body is an incredibly complex network of systems where each function is interrelated to the other by signalling components. The development and maintenance of all these systems is based on intricate and precise working conditions of biological catalysts called enzymes. All human bodies are capable of producing all the enzymes they require that are vital to the smooth running of the splendid show called life.

What are enzymes?

Every simple or complex process in our body is possible because of a series of chemical reactions. These reactions are governed by enzymes which either hasten the speed of the reaction by exponential rates or make otherwise impossible reactions take place in its presence. Essentially all enzymes are made up of proteins. What is amazing about these enzymes is that even though they participate in a reaction, they remain unaltered in terms of their chemical composition while they convert biological reactants (substrates) into the required products. Because of this property, they can be reused multiple times, depending on the requirement of the product.

What are the main properties of enzymes?

As we have established, enzymes are proteins that take part in a reaction without changing their own chemical properties. Besides this, it is important to understand other properties of enzymes.

Enzymes are highly specific: An enzyme is not only function specific but substrate specific.

Enzyme catalysed reactions are reversible: They can catalyse the both the forward reactions (substrate to product) and backward reactions (product to substrate)

Enzymes are reactive: As proteins, enzymes have a temperature and pH at which they denature and lose their activity. In most cases, denaturation is an irreversible process. The functionality or the activity’ of the enzyme is greatly affected by the prevalent temperatures and pH of the reaction. Therefore, every enzyme has an optimum temperature and pH at which the activity of the enzyme is the highest. Consequently, minimum activity is also evident at a particular point of these parameters.

What are digestive enzymes?

As the name suggests, these are a set of enzymes that aid smooth digestion of food. These enzymes are strategically secreted and present in various parts of the alimentary canal. The food we eat is systematically broken down from complex to gradually simpler compounds before they are absorbed and then distributed throughout the body. Digestive enzymes are present in the mouth, stomach, pancreas and the small intestine.

There are 4 categories of digestive enzymes:

Proteolytic enzymes: Catalyse the breakdown of proteins to amino acids.
Lipolytic enzymes: Catalyse the breakdown of fatty acids and glycerol.
Amylolytic enzymes: Catalyse the breakdown starch to simple sugars.
Nucleolytic enzymes: Catalyse the breakdown of nucleic acids.

What are digestive enzyme supplements?

The digestive enzymes especially in the stomach take some time to get secreted and act on the food. Besides this, our growing sedentary life-style causes the food to remain undigested for longer than required. Digestive enzyme supplements help speed up digestion. Consuming these supplements before or after a heavy meal can be very helpful.

What kind of digestive enzyme supplements are good for us?

There are several types of digestive enzymes. However, there are some digestive enzymes that play a more obvious role in the process. Supplements are taken to break down different kinds of food. The supplement that one chooses should contain the following essential enzymes.

Papain: It is derived from papaya and extremely effective in digesting proteins and tenderising meat.
Amylase: This enzyme breaks starch into its component sugars namely glucose.
Lipase: This enzyme breaks down long chain fatty acids and consequently digesting fats.
Lactase: This works to break down dairy products.
Bromelain: This is an enzyme which is found in pineapple. It is a remarkable enzyme capable of digesting protein.

What are the main benefits of digestive enzymes?

Now, the question lingers as to why digestive enzyme supplements should even be considered taking, since our body produces all the enzymes required. One must understand that the more enzymes that the body uses for digestion is proportional to the exhaustion of the same. Therefore, in order to have a constant supply of one’s naturally secreted digestive enzymes to maintain a longer and healthier living, one must take these supplements.

The most obvious benefit is the decrease in indigestion and bloated feeling of the stomach, since lesser acid is produced in the body for digestion.
Reduction in the number of ulcers.
Relief from hiatal hernias.
Reduced food allergies.

Digestive Enzymes – Do try this at home!

To test how good your supplement is, there is a very simple experiment that you can conduct. Take two bowls of thick oatmeal. Leave one of the bowls as is and add the prescribed amount of digestive enzyme supplement in the other. After about half an hour, the oatmeal in the latter should start to look less thick and almost watery.

This shows that the oatmeal was partially digested which saves the body much energy in digestion and nutrients are absorbed much faster.

Salt Lamp Health Benefits

(BeWellBuzz) The air we breathe affects our health in many ways. Unfortunately, today’s air is more polluted than ever. You can use a salt lamp to purify the air around you and enjoy the multiple health benefits that pristine air offers.

A salt lamp is made of a mass of crystal salt. The salt used in these lamps is generally procured from the salt mines found in Himalayan regions. A chunk of crystal salt is attached to a solid and stable base made of a durable material such as wood. A hole is made at the center of the base to provide necessary space for a light source. Salt lamps come with a power cord and plug that supply electricity to the light source installed in the lamp.

A salt lamp functions in much the same way as a regular lamp — that is, both need electricity to function. However, the two have vastly different effects on the environment. A regular lamp, like other electrical appliances, disrupts the balance of the surrounding air by releasing positive ions. A salt lamp, on the other hand, purifies the air by restoring the balance of positive and negative ions.

Salt lamps come in different shapes and sizes. Some manufacturers also offer salt lamps in different colors. You can choose a salt lamp that is most appropriate for you.

The science behind salt lamps

People often ask, “Why should I buy a salt lamp when I can get a regular lamp at a cheaper price?”

The truth is that the salt lamp and regular lamp are two different products and, as such, should not be compared. The latter’s only function is to provide light whereas the former, as you will see later on in this article, offers many important health benefits.

Now that the aforementioned question is settled once and for all, let us focus our attention on the science behind salt lamps.

Air contains both positive and negative ions. When the air is impure, the level of positive ions is more, or the balance between positive and negative ions is disturbed. Electronic appliances release positive ions into the surrounding environment and are one of the many causes of air pollution. Breathing in air loaded with positive ions can cause and/or precipitate various health conditions such as respiratory disorders (asthma), allergies, migraine headaches, insomnia, and stress.

As mentioned above, salt lamps, which are enriched with negative ions, purify the air by restoring the balance of positive and negative ions. When the light source of a salt lamp is turned on, it warms the encompassing salt crystal and induces the release of negative ions into the air.

Health benefits that salt lamps offer

The salt lamp is reported to be useful in the treatment/prevention of the following conditions:


Selecting an appropriate salt lamp

While purchasing a salt lamp, it is important to pay attention to its size. If you buy a salt lamp that is too small for your room, you may not get all the purported benefits.

Given below is an estimate of the minimum size salt lamp you need for the corresponding room size:

3-5 pound salt lamp for 8×8 sq. feet
6-8 pound salt lamp for 10×10 sq. feet
10-12 pound salt lamp for 12×12 sq. feet
13-15 pound salt lamp for 14×14 sq. feet
18-20 pound salt lamp for 15×15 sq. feet
22-30 pound salt lamp for 16×16 feet
32-40 pound salt lamp for 20×20 feet
45-60 pound salt lamp for 25×25 feet

The above-listed information only denotes the minimum requirements. You can always use a bigger lamp for your room or install more than one lamp to get the maximum benefits.

Taking care of your salt lamp

A salt lamp is not a high-maintenance item. Nonetheless, it may sometimes require a little care.

Here are a few tips that will come in handy if you are using salt lamps:

Turn on the lamp if the surrounding air is excessively humid to prevent it from becoming very damp. Salt lamps, by nature, absorb moisture from the air. In the case of excessive humidity, a salt lamp may absorb a lot of moisture and become very damp. This, in turn, can affect its performance.

Use your lamp at least once in a while to prevent your salt lamp from becoming damp otherwise.

If the salt lamp is damp, remove the moisture from the salt crystal before turning the lamp on. To do this, first unplug the lamp, remove the electrical unit, and then gently rub the salt crystal with a cotton towel.

Some popular brands

The three most popular salt lamp brands are:

Solay Salt Lamp
Himalayan Salt Lamp
Rock Salt Lamp

You can buy any of these or other types of salt lamps for your room to purify the surrounding environment.

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

Quote Of The Day

"Others can stop you temporarily – you are the only one who can do it permanently." – Zig Ziglar

Sunday, July 22, 2012

How Big Are YOU In The Galaxy?

THIS is fascinating - it's rather dazzling to see it presented this way.





Discovery Of The 'God Particle' Now Proves The Law Of Attraction Is Real

After 50 years, scientists on July 4th 2012 have finally confirmed the existence of what's known as the 'GOD' particle....also known as the Higgs Boson particle.

In Chapter 4 of my book, I talk about the ETHER in space. Critics and some modern scientists have said that no such ether exists, which supposedly disproves the Law of Attraction and how our minds create our reality. BUT, the discovery of the Higgs Boson particle NOW confirms the existence of an invisible energy field (Higgs field) that fills the vacuum of space. Check out this ARTICLE

Article Excerpt: Theoretical physicists have long postulated that Higgs particles permeate the Universe, creating an invisible energy field that causes other particles of matter to have mass, allowing matter to coalesce into larger objects such as molecules, stars and planets.

Professor Brian Cox Broadcaster and particle physicist:

"It is the biggest scientific discovery of my lifetime and without doubt one of the biggest scientific discoveries of all time. This day will go down as one of the great days in the history of science."

The scientists themselves say there is no practical application of this discovery. Nothing can be further from the truth. This discovery is basically confirming everything I teach in my book! My book's information IS THE practical application of this discovery, and the discovery proves the real science behind it. Click HERE to get a copy of the book.

My Law Of Attraction Radio Interview On Conversation CrossRoad

Conversation Crossroad is one of the definitive internet-based radio programs for listeners who want the best in information and entertainment. I had the privilege of being interviewed by Garrison Leykam, host and producer.

Among the many authors interviewed on Conversation Crossroad are: Business: Mark Aesch, Bob Burg, Peter Bregman, Maria Bartiromo

Adventure: James M. Tabor, Lisa Napoli, Chris Warner, Christine Dell’Amore, Yangzom Brauen, Jeff Blumenfeld,

Science and Futurism: John D. Kasarda, Greg Lindsay, Mark Stevenson, Heidi Cullen, Michio Kaku

Fiction: Jackie Collins, Tatjana Soli, Steve Berry, Elif Shafak Politics: Joe Nocera, Nada Prouty, Connie Mariano, Michelle Caruso-Cabrera

History: Harlow Giles Unger Investigative: Annie Jacobsen Music: Alan Paul, Richard Courtney, George Cassidy, Chely Wright, Bill Roedy, Robert Greenfield

Self-Help and Motivational: Kevin P. Coyne, Shawn T. Coyne, Daniel Burrus, Peter Sims, Janice Holly Booth, Todd Henry.

Click HERE to listen to the interview

Saturday, July 21, 2012

What Goes Around Comes Around?

His name was Fleming, and he was a poor Scottish farmer. One day, while trying to make a living for his family, he heard a cry for help coming from a nearby bog. He dropped his tools and ran to the bog. There, mired to his waist in black muck, was a terrified boy, screaming and struggling to free himself. Farmer Fleming saved the lad from what could have been a slow and terrifying death.

The next day, a fancy carriage pulled up to the Scotsman's sparse surroundings. An elegantly dressed nobleman stepped out and introduced himself as the father of the boy Farmer Fleming had saved. 'I want to repay you,' said the nobleman. 'You saved my son's life.' 'No, I can't accept payment for what I did,' the Scottish farmer replied waving off the offer. At that moment, the farmer's own son came to the door of the family hovel. 'Is that your son?' the nobleman asked. 'Yes,' the farmer replied proudly. 'I'll make you a deal. Let me provide him with the level of education my own son will enjoy. If the lad is anything like his father, he'll no doubt grow to be a man we both will be proud of.' And that he did.

Farmer Fleming's son attended the very best schools and in time, graduated from St. Mary's Hospital Medical School in London, and went on to become known throughout the world as the noted Sir Alexander Fleming, the discoverer of Penicillin. Years afterward, the same nobleman's son who was saved from the bog was stricken with pneumonia. What saved his life this time? Penicillin. The name of the nobleman? Lord Randolph Churchill His son's name? Sir Winston Churchill

The Truth About High Blood Pressure

High blood pressure is the single most important risk factor for stroke, heart failure, kidney failure, and heart attack. It is often called the “silent killer” as there are usually no symptoms.

Stroke is the No. 3 cause of death among Americans. It’s also a leading cause of serious, long-term disability. Projections show that by 2030, an additional 27 million people could have high blood pressure, a 9.9% increase in prevalence from 2010.

Many people mistakenly think of stroke as an “old person’s disease.” But in the United States, about 76.4 million people age 20 and older have high blood pressure.

This week Shawn Stevenson explains and shares the real truth about high blood pressure, natural solutions and prevention tips. You might be shocked after listening to this podcast.

Please share this important podcast with family and friends.

When you listen to the podcast below you’ll discover:

*The staggering health care cost associated with high blood pressure.
*Common misconceptions about blood pressure and it’s causes.
*What organs are responisble for regulating blood pressure (not what you think).
*Why your body elevates blood pressure on purpose?
*What you blood pressure number REALLY mean.
*6 critical steps to lowering your blood pressure naturally.
*And much, much more

Click HERE and scroll down to listen to the PODCAST

Daily Quote

"Don't waste your life in doubts and fears: spend yourself on the work before you, well assured that the right performance of this hour's duties will be the best preparation for the hours or ages that follow it."~Ralph Waldo Emerson